Our Story

Abuzz was conceived by founders Susan Porter and Peter Batchelder following their own experiences in preparing their sons and daughters for college. The first instance of Abuzz started as a web site designed to facilitate the planning that goes into college visit trips. We soon realized that while this would serve parents during that phase of the college journey, it did not address the more important aspect of a child’s college experience: the connectedness they need to feel when they step on campus for the first time.

In 2017 we began planning a mobile app that would instantly connect students by their graduation class year and major, and added local deals and events to give students immediate value when in the app.

Today, we are launching Campus Abuzz at new schools, and are seeing first-hand the positive results of connecting students to each other…higher event attendance, greater sense of community, more engaged students, and closer relationships between students, and with the school’s administration.

The most exciting aspect of “our story” has not been written yet, as it is emerging now, through our schools embrace of the administrators web platform, and the student mobile app, working together to tighten the bonds between students and administrators, and to increase engagement, retention, and community. We hope you’ll become part of the Abuzz Story, by bringing Abuzz to your school.

Our Team

Peter Batchelder


Susan Porter


Mary Beth D’Auteuil


Melissa Porter

Director of Digital Content

Kate MacGregor

Director of Event Engagement

Maria Cuccia
Maria Cuccia

Engagement Team & Partner Success

Ceci Picard

Business Development

Josh Broton

Co-Director of Technology

Andrew Aarestad

Co-Director of Technology

Kyle Meehan


Join our team

We’re always seeking to connect with people who share our passion, work ethic and desire to succeed as a team. Let us know who you are!

Work with us

Now that you’ve met us online, let’s connect and see how we might work together at your college or university.